Policies and Procedures
Our procedures and policies
Please read our procedures and policies below:
- Bellever Walk Risk Assessment
- Fire Assessment
- Behaviour Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Procedure
- Health and Safety Policy
- Procedure Register
- Reserves Policy
- Risk Assessment
- Safeguarding DP Contact
- Safeguarding Policy
- Safeguarding Procedure
- Staff Induction Handbook
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Fire Procedure
- GDPR Policy
- Harassment and Threatening Behaviour
- Volunteer Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Schools and Groups Safety Briefing
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“We have 160 hectares of wet and dry heath and valley mire that will benefit enormously from the structural diversity that the pony grazing will bring. The reserve is currently grazed with our own Flying Flock of sheep and intermittently by a grazier’s cattle but having the ponies resident on the site will help secure the grazing management for the habitat and a range of heath and mire species.
“DPHT has been extremely helpful in finding exactly what we were looking for in terms of the number, age range and gender of the ponies. It could’ve been quite a daunting prospect without her local knowledge. Having discussed the grazing with Dru, local keepers and seen the grazing that has been taking place firsthand in Dartmoor we are confident that our new employees will do a fantastic job on the reserve.”
Norfolk Wildlife Trust Testimonial