They are so popular and such brilliant characters, I love them! Rum is now being lunged two or three times a week and is a good little lad. Rolo usually is held to one side in the paddock and chats to his adoring fans through the fence, thankful that he is not the one working!
Unfortunately we lost one of our elderly donkeys a couple of weeks ago and the boys are being superb at keeping Daisy our other donkey company. She goes out in the paddock alongside them during the day and they now come in every night to keep her company in the stable! They are so chilled about it all, they come over to the paddock gate to be caught and tuck into their hay as soon as they reach the stable. Our three stables all have connecting doors, so Rum and Rolo have their middle door open and have the run of two stables together and they have a little sheep hurdle between them and Daisy, which they both love looking over into Daisy’s stable to say hello and keep her company. We have also rearranged their fencing in the paddock so that they can access the visitor fenceline and have fuss, so far they have been exceptionally behaved.
They have had their second vaccines and are looking well (if a little tubby in Rum’s case!)
Pics of them in the stables, this was their first full night in, hence the enormous haynets to help them settle in, they are now on soaked hay! ????