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Event with BEVA and the Mare and Foal Sanctuary

On Wednesday the 8th March we worked alongside BEVA – The British Equine Veterinary Association and Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust to create a better future for Dartmoor pony colts and helped vets to expand their knowledge.

We collaborated on a castration clinic where vets received a unique training session, castrating Dartmoor pony colts. The clinic took place at Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust and was facilitated by The Mare and Foal Sanctuary. Attendees received expert tuition from British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) vets and got hands on experience castrating ponies. The clinic also served to improve the welfare of all the colts being castrated. Once gelded, they will have a much better chance of a positive future including returning to Dartmoor to run as a gelding herd. Gelding herds live happily together and prevent overbreeding on the moor, which can compromise welfare.


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