Handling June 22 v1 IMG_3890
Busy at Parke – Handling Youngstock

We are extremely busy at our Centre on the Parke Estate handling youngstock.

The facility is perfect and purpose built for this activity.

The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust supports a number of Dartmoor farmers who breed Dartmoor Ponies. The Trust achieves this by providing castrations for colts, grazing opportunities, grants towards capital costs for welfare or equipment that will aid good management, publicity and marketing of the special qualities of the Dartmoor Pony for riding, driving or conservation grazing and handling young stock from feral to ground started.

By supporting our farmers, we are adding value and long term viability to the Dartmoor Pony ensuring we don’t lose this precious icon from Dartmoor.

In turn we really do appreciate your support through donation and membership to enable us to continue this crucial work.


Fillies relaxing after a morning of work



DPHT Membership

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