We are delighted to announce that our good friend, Alex Graeme of Unique Devon Tours, has launched a rather unusual ‘Tour of Devon’ with the aim of raising funds for our charity and for the Donkey Sanctuary based at Sidmouth. Some of you may know our connection – the Sanctuary’s Founder Elizabeth Svensson helped to us to set up the DPHT!
Go to Alex’s website and in return for a donation, enter the competition to win some INCREDIBLE prizes (thank you everyone) and help Alex to meander around Devon’s roads in a celebration of all things Devon and Dartmoor!
Says Alex: “On 11th May we will be conducting the “DEVON LEFT RIGHT CHALLENGE” to raise funds for the Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust and The Donkey Sanctuary Sidmouth.
Starting at 8.00am we will be driving around Devon continuously for 12 hours, turning LEFT or RIGHT as chosen by YOU, recording and sharing the experiences we have along the way.
To join in go to our donation page – https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/UniqueDevonTours – donate, and then follow the link we will email to you. Fill in the form telling us which way you want us to turn. That’s it.
Learn more about the incredible prizes on offer on our website – https://www.uniquedevontours.com/devon-left-right-challenge ”